TIC Council is pleased to announce our upcoming webinar dedicated to introducing Metals and Minerals Field Inspection Safety Code.
TIC Council's Commodities Committee is holding a webinar to introduce this new entry focused on field inspections in the metals and minerals markets. The event aims to discuss with the participants about safety behaviours, practices and recommendations that both TIC Council member companies and other players in the industry should follow to reduce the inherent risks of inspection work and improve safety for all.
The session will go over some of the most important areas of safety, covering topics ranging from personal protective equipment (PPE), vessel access, flammability, substances hazardous to health, and many other topics. Specifically, the webinar will provide:
- Reasons to have a Field Inspection Safety Code
- The principles and limitations of the Code
- Topics addressed in the document
- General conclusions
- Q&A Session
As this Safety Code is meant to be a living document and updated regularly following developments in, and feedback from the Industry, we encourage stakeholders to register for the webinar and participate in the planned Q&A session.
We look forward to hearing your feedback and impressions on how to improve safety in the Industry. Furthermore, we encourage you to extend this invitation to staff with a key interest in the safety.
Webinar Details:
The webinar will take place on Wednesday 26 April 2023 at 14:00-15:00 CEST / 07:00-08:00 CDT (US) via Webex.
Registrations will be open to all TIC Council members and relevant stakeholders, as well as a larger external audience.
Further details:
The microphone function will be disabled for participants during the webinar but all questions for the presenter can be submitted through Webex via the chat function during the Q&A session at the end or ahead of time on the registration page.
For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact secretariat@tic-council.org.
We look forward to welcoming you and/or your colleagues!